Clean up sublanguages (in a term base)

This command is useful if you have a term base that contains main languages like English and German, but also sublanguages such as English (United States) or German (Germany) - and you want the main languages only.

When you clean up sublanguages in a term base, you remove a sublanguage, and merge the terms in that sublanguage into one of the main languages. For example, you remove German (Germany), and add all German (Germany) terms to the main German language.

How to get here

  1. Open the Term base properties window.

    To open this window: In the Resource console or in Project home, choose Term bases. Right-click the name of the term base. From the menu, choose Properties. Or, open the term base for editing. In the Term base editor ribbon, click Properties.

  2. Click Clean up unwanted sublanguages. The Clean up unwanted sublanguages window opens.

The Clean up unwanted sublanguages window doesn't open if there are no sublanguages in the term base.


What can you do?

  1. Choose the sublanguage you need to delete: From the Language to delete drop-down box, choose a sublanguage [such as German (Germany)].
  2. Choose the main language to get the terms from the sublanguage: From the Language to merge into drop-down box, choose a main language (such as German).

Caution, the window lets you choose languages the other way round: Make sure you choose a sublanguage first, and a main language second.

When you finish

To start merging the sublanguage terms into the main language: Click OK. In the end, memoQ will delete the sublanguage from the term base.

To return to the Term base properties window, and not change the term base: Click Cancel.