Delivery problems (handoff packages)

This window appears when you - as a project manager - try importing a delivery package which is not complete.

This happens when the translation or review isn't finished.

You can still import the delivery package because it may be a partial delivery: If some segments are confirmed, they will be updated in the project.

Project manager edition only: You can't distribute work from memoQ translator pro.

The dialog appears when a project manager clicks the Receive delivery link in the Handoff/delivery tab of the Overview pane in Project home, and applies a *.mqback package that has unconfirmed segments.

How to get here

Do this only if you received a delivery package from a participant. If you received the package in an e-mail, save it to a folder on your computer.

  1. Open a local project that was distributed in handoff packages earlier. (Open the project where the delivery package belongs.)
  2. In Project home, choose Overview.
  3. Click the Handoff / Delivery tab.
  4. Click Receive delivery. An Open window appears. Find and select the delivery package file. Click Open.

    If the delivery package isn't complete - not all segments are confirmed -, the Delivery problems window appears.


What can you do?

Review the problem report. Then make a choice.

  • Accept the package nevertheless: Check the Accept deliveries even if not all segments are confirmed/proofread check box. Click OK. memoQ updates the documents.
  • Reject the package: Keep the Accept deliveries even if not all segments are confirmed/proofread check box cleared. Click OK or Cancel. Send an e-mail to the translator or reviewer who sent the delivery package. You can copy the Problems with the documents report to the Clipboard, and paste it into your e-mail.

When you finish

To accept the package nevertheless: After you click the check box in the window, click OK.

Possible next step: Open the updated document or documents, and review the newly confirmed segments.

To reject the package: Keep the check box cleared. Click OK or Cancel.

Possible next step: Open your e-mail program, and send an e-mail to the translator or reviewer who sent the package.