Find and replace in a term base

You can find and replace text in term bases. This means finding and replacing words or expressions inside terms, not in descriptive fields.

Use the Find term window for this.

How to get here

  1. Open a term base for editing:
    • Open a project. In Project home, choose Term bases. Click the name of the term base you want to edit. On the Term bases ribbon, click Edit.
    • Or: Open the Resource Console. Choose Term bases. Right-click the name of the term base you want to edit. From the menu, choose Edit.
  2. Press Ctrl+H. The Find and replace window opens. Or, to just find something, press Ctrl+F. The Find and replace window opens, but the Replace with box will be grayed out.

    Or: On the Edit ribbon, click Find or click Replace.


What can you do?

  1. Tell memoQ what you look for. In the Find what drop-down box, type the text you are looking for. Or, expand the drop-down list, and choose an expression from previous searches. (When you close memoQ, this list is cleared.)
  2. In the Replace with drop-down box, type the text that will replace the Find what text. Or, expand the drop-down list, and choose an expression from previous replacements. (When you close memoQ, this list is cleared.)

    No replace if you arrive by pressing Ctrl+F: If you press Ctrl+F or click Find to open the Find term window, the Replace with box will be greyed out. To make it work, click Close. Then click Ctrl+H to open the window again.

  3. Choose when to stop:
    • To find the Find what text anywhere inside a term: Click the Anywhere in term radio button.
    • To stop only where the search text matches an entire word, not just a part of it: Click the Only whole words radio button.
    • To find the Find what text only if it matches an entire term: Click the Entire term radio button.
  4. Choose how to search:
    • Match case: Check this check box to run a case-sensitive search. memoQ stops only if the lowercase and uppercase letters are also the same. But the replacement text is inserted without change.
    • Wrap around: Check this check box to continue searching from the beginning of the term base when memoQ reaches the end of it. The search will continue until the starting point of the search is reached again.
  5. After you enter the text to search for - and, optionally, the replacement -, you can go through the term base, and decide what happens to the text that memoQ finds.

    To jump to the first or the next occurrence: Click Find next. memoQ jumps to the nearest segment where the Find what text occurs, and highlights the text.

    • The Find and replace window stays open. You can even click the segment, make changes, and then return to the Find and replace window.
    • To replace the latest occurrence that memoQ found: Click Replace. memoQ replaces the occurrence with the Replace with text. Then it jumps to the next occurrence, and highlights it. The Find and Replace window stays open.
    • To replace all occurrences in the open document: Click Replace All. memoQ replaces every occurrence of the Find what text with the Replace with text. memoQ counts the occurrences, and shows the number on the right. When memoQ finishes replacing, it announces the result in the Find/Replace message box. To return to the Find and Replace window: Click OK. The Find and replace window stays open.
  6. After finding and replacing, you can enter new Find what and Replace with expressions, and go over the document once again.

When you finish

To close the Find and replace window, and go back to the term base editor: click Close.