



  1. リボン上でmemoQタブをクリックします。

  2. マイ memoQページの左側で、ヘルプをクリックします。

  3. ヘルプページで、memoQのバージョン情報



AlphaVSS 2.0.0 – Open-source software under the Apache 2.0 license, copyright © and maintained by its contributors.

Aspose.Total for .NET.21.10.0 © Aspose 2002-2021.All Rights Reserved.

CefSharp 98.1.210 by The CefSharp Authors - Copyright © 2010-2017 The CefSharp Authors.All rights reserved.

Chromium Embedded Framework by The Chromium Embedded Framework Authors - Copyright © 2008-2014 Marshall A. Greenblatt.Portions Copyright © 2006-2009 Google Inc. All rights reserved.

DevExpress 14.1.7 © Developer Express Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Extended WPF Toolkit - Copyright © Xceed Software Inc. 2007-2015

ModernWpf by Yimeng Wu.The MIT License (MIT), by Yimeng Wu © 2019

Genuine Channels by Genrix Software, Inc. © 2002–2006 Genrix Software, Inc.

gRPC – Open-source software under the Apache 2.0 license, copyright © and maintained by its contributors.

Hunspell spell checker.個別のプログラムとしてインストール。2003–2008 László Németh; Foundation.Licensed under GPL/LGPL/MPL tri-license.memoQは代替スペルチェッカーとしてHunspellを推奨。

IBM ICU (International Components for Unicode)

Inno Setup 5 © Jordan Russell and Martijn Laan.All rights reserved.

Json.NET 13.0.1 by James Newton-King ©2008.The MIT License (MIT), by James Newton-King ©2008

Language detection uses word lists for a couple of languages from Frequency Word Lists by Hermit Dave (ShareAlike 3.0) © 2011-2013.

MagicLibrary 1.7.4 by Crownwood Software Ltd, Bracknell, Berkshire, UK – © Copyright 2006 - Crownwood Software Ltd.

MVVM Light Toolkit, v5.3.0.0 Copyright © 2009-2018 Laurent Bugnion.The MIT License (MIT), by Laurent Bugnion.

QRCoder Copyright © 2013-2015 Raffael Herrmann.

Serilog – Open-source software under the Apache 2.0 license, copyright © and maintained by its contributors.

SharpZipLib 1.3.3 by Mike Krueger © 2001 – Copyright 2001-2010 Mike Krueger, John Reilly

ストップワードリスト:Reused and modified the ‘stop-words’ resource from the github page of Alireza Savand (original github resources), and the stop word lists created by Kevin Lossner.Attribution4.0International(CC BY 4.0)の下でライセンスされています。

System.Data.SQLite ADO.NET provider for SQLite - Open-source software under the Microsoft Public License (MS-PL).

Unity 5.11.10 © Unity Technologies

WebSocketSharp Copyright © 2010-2018 sta.blockhead.

Xpdf 3.04 © 1996-2007 Glyph & Cog, LLC. memoQ uses pdftotext to extract plain text from PDF documents. pdftotext is part of the Xpdf tool set.別個のプログラムとしてインストールされます。


Microsoft、Windows、Word、Excel、およびPowerPointは、米国Microsoft Corporationの米国およびその他の国における登録商標または商標です。Tradosは、SDL Internationalの米国およびその他の国における登録商標です。