Import package

With the Import package wizard, you can import the content of a package into an existing project.

In memoQ  10.4, the Import package wizard can only import documents from SDL Studio (.sdlppx) packages.

How to get here

From the Dashboard:

  1. On the Project ribbon, click the bottom part of the Import package button.

  2. In the menu, click Import package into an existing project.

  3. An Open window opens. Find the folder where the package file is, and double-click the file.

  4. In the Select a project window, click a project, and click OK.

    What projects are listed here? The ones where the source languages are the same, and the package's target language is one of the project's target languages.

  5. The Import package wizard opens:

From a local or online project:

  1. On the Project or Online project ribbon, click the Import package button.

  2. An Open window opens. Find the folder where the package file is, and double-click the file.

  3. The Import package wizard opens:

What can you do?

When you finish

To import the contents of the package into the project: Click OK.

To close the wizard and not import anything: Click Cancel.