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memoQ Help contains the following main sections:

Installation and Activation where you find information on installing and activating memoQ.

How to... where you find processes on how to translate, how to review, how to use resources, etc.

Managing projects, documents and resources where you find the descriptions of management features such as project management, document management, server management etc.

Functions and Settings where you find the detailed descriptions of dialogs, commands, menus, ribbon tabs and settings dialogs.


Each main section has sub-sections with several categorized topics.

All sections have an introduction page with quick links that are linked to internal other topics or to external resources such as guides, video tutorials or other resources.

You will also find external links to websites containing further information on a specific topic, guides or webinars on the Kilgray website and the Knowledge Base.

Note: To access the webinars, guides and other resources, you need to register.

You can also use the Index to search for a specific keyword. Each keyword is linked to several related topics. Or simply use the Search field, and enter the word or expression you are looking for in the Help.