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AutoCorrect lists allow text replacement on the fly, and make typing of long expressions faster. Once you prepared a list containing the abbreviations you want to replace, and the expressions that should replace them, memoQ makes the necessary changes automatically. For example, you may want to define that memoQ should replace "FYI" with the expression "For your information", or JB with the name John Brown, it is all done as soon as you enter these letters. This feature can save you a lot of time.

AutoCorrect also corrects capitalization. If you failed to depress the Shift key on your keyboard to capitalize a word fast enough while you are typing the first letter of a word, memoQ corrects it. If you turn on CAPS LOCK by accident, AutoCorrect is correcting this as well.

AutoCorrect lists are available in the Resource console, or in the Translation Settings menu (available on the Translation ribbon tab), click AutoCorrect.


See also:

Edit AutoCorrect settings

the Knowledge Base article on how to import a Word 2003 AutoCorrect list into a memoQ AutoCorrect list.