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From the imported translation documents you can create views, i.e. segment collections assembled from the selected translation documents using filtering and sorting options. These views are like normal translation document views appearing in the translation grid. The difference is that the views contain only certain types of segments in your choice of ordering, from one or more translation documents.

In the Translations pane of Project home, above the list view, you can choose between two tabs:

Documents tab, in which you can manage the translation documents added to the project. This is the default setting.

This Views tab, in which you can manage the views created from one or more translation documents in the project.

Importing a view

Once created, views import as memoQ XLIFF documents or bilingual RTF documents.

If you use Import > Import with options button on the Documents ribbon tab to import a memoQ bilingual DOC or RTF file created from an original document or view present in your current project,  memoQ will update the respective segments of all the original documents and views involved with the changes made. You can import views and original documents from Project home > Translations on either the Documents tab or the Views tab with the same results.

Exporting a view

Once created, views can be exported as memoQ XLIFF documents or as bilingual DOC files. These bilingual files can be imported on another computer as translation documents. When the translation is finished, these translation documents can be exported into the original format only on the computer on which the views were created, while on the other computers these translation documents can only be exported into bilingual files.

Exporting views as memoQ XLIFF documents or as bilingual DOC files can be helpful when a large file should be split up into smaller pieces to be assigned to more than one translator.

Views and translation documents

Segments in the original translation documents that are included in one or more views become locked and are not available for unlocking while the view exists. Therefore these segments cannot be joined or split. Translation documents and their views cannot be opened at the same time. Even views that have a segment referring to the same segment of a translation document cannot be opened at the same time. This way memoQ can guarantee that the modification of the segments is implemented in every corresponding translation document and view.

When you change a segment in a view, memoQ will also change the corresponding segment in the original document. The progress numbers of the original document also change.

Views can have a preview if the corresponding document has a preview. When you open multiple files, then the previews are merged, displaying them one after the other in the HTML preview section.

Joining and splitting segments in the joint view is possible except when you try to join two segments from different documents. When using joint views: split and join will only be possible through a view if the document in question is member of that exact one view. If a document is member of multiple views its segment count becomes locked, and no spitting or joining is possible. If a document is part of any view split and join is disabled for the document itself as well. If you filter a view, then split and join is also disabled.

Note: If a document is included in a view, join/split is disabled in the document as the information of a split or joined segment in a document cannot be transferred to the view.


View created from

several documents

one document

Documents glued together

Filtered documents (e.g. only Repetitions, rows with a specific status such as Locked)

Filtered documents (e.g. only Repetitions, rows with a specific status such as Locked)

Split documents











Export document

Yes (for all files)





See also:


Typical scenarios involving views

How to create, import and export a collection of filtered segments

Create view (filtering and sorting) dialog