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When a document is assigned to a set of users, you can choose FirstAccept (first comes, first accepts) as a form of assignment.

How to begin

1.Create an online project.

2.Assign users to the project. Go to the People pane. Click the Add user button. Select the users or a group, then click OK. The users are now listed in the People pane on the Project users tab.

3.Assign multiple users to a document. Go to the Translations pane, select a document, then right-click the document, select Assign. The Assign selected documents to users dialog appears:

4. Make sure that you have the Assign to users per workflow step radio button enabled. From the Translator tab, choose Assign to a user of this organization.

5. The Change assigned translator check box must be checked. Then choose a Deadline. Click the calendar icon, and click a date to choose a deadline. The given deadline will appear in the drop-down list as selected.

Note: The Use calculated deadlines is disabled for FirstAccept.

In the Users section, select a user or several or a user group. If you choose a group, then all members of this group are added to your project.

In the Show these users section, check the memoQ server check box to only display the users on the memoQ server. Click the Create new user link to open the User properties dialog to create a new user on the memoQ server. Check the Language Terminal check box to display users from your Language Terminal account. This check box is disabled if you have not registered in Language Terminal.

Use the Filter users section to filter users either by project source language and its target languages as language pair (sublanguages included, except for Chinese) or by text. If you search by text, enter text in the text field below the check box. memoQ searches not only the user name, but also the full name, the description of the users/groups.

6. In the Users and groups section, you can select a Single user, FirstAccept or GroupSourcing or Distribute documents. Choose FirstAccept.

7. Select the users for this document. Specify a deadline for the bidding from the Respond until drop-down list.

Note: Click the Sort selected items to top link to list the selected users on top. Click the Clear selection link to remove the user selection for the document. Click the Project users radio button to only see the users assigned to the project.

8. Go to the Reviewer 1 and Reviewer 2 tab to assign the Reviewer 1 and Reviewer 2 roles for the project. The reviewer tabs have the same options as the translator tab. Choose the workflow for the users and assign them to the roles. After you assigned the reviewer roles, specify a Deadline from the drop-down list.

9. Click OK to assign the users to the document. Click Cancel to cancel the user assignment.

Note: You need to launch the project to start the bidding process. Go to the Translations pane,  and click the Launch project icon to launch the project.


The users check out the project. All users on the list receive the document(s) that are put up for FirstAccept.

Note: The documents are read-only. The users can open the documents and analyze them, but they cannot change the documents nor export the contents. The users can not confirm segments either.

Right-click the documents, select FirstAccept. Or click the FirstAccept button on the Documents ribbon tab (); this button is only visible when there are documents up for FirstAccept. The FirstAccept - accept or decline document dialog appears:

Your role: This field indicates your role (translator, reviewer 1 or reviewer 2) that you are accepting the document in.

Yes! I am accepting this document: Choose this option to accept the document. After you accepted the document, the FirstAccept button disappears from the Documents ribbon tab.

No, thanks. I am declining this document: Choose this option to decline this document. If all bidders decline, the FirstAccept is not successful, the bid has to be re-started. Otherwise the first person, who accepts this document, gets the document.

Click OK after you made your decision whether to accept or to decline this document. Click Cancel to cancel the FirstAccept for the document.


The project manager can always track the FirstAccept status, either by receiving e-mail notifications and/or right-clicking the document, then select FirstAccept. Click on the View Status link. The FirstAccept status dialog appears:

In the FirstAccept status dialog, you see the FirstAccept status for each document status as well as the  deadline. The FirstAccept status can be: not started, pending, expired, taken, unsuccessful.

Note: FirstAccept is also available in memoQWebTrans. You can accept a document in memoQWebTrans.

See also:

E-mail notifications