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The Document import options dialog appears when you select an RTF file to import as a bilingual document, and the file contains one or more documents in multi-column tables.

How to begin

In the Translations pane of Project home, click the Import with options button on the Documents ribbon tab. Then, in the Open dialog that appears, select an RTF document that contains one or more documents as a multi-column table. memoQ will automatically detect the document type.


General settings section:

Tags must be formatted with the mqInternal style check box: When you turn this on, memoQ will look for parts formatted in the mqInternal style. Only those parts will be imported as formatting tags that are formatted in this style. This option is turned off by default.

Update target segment even if source is different in imported file check box: When updating an existing document from a multi-column RTF table, memoQ can perform extra checks to make sure that no segment is destroyed by accident. Among those, memoQ can check if the source segment is the same in the memoQ document and in the RTF document. By checking this check box, you can instruct memoQ to skip the segment if the source text is different from the content in memoQ. This option is turned off by default.

Documents to be updated section:

In this section, memoQ lists the documents that are already there in your memoQ project. You can decide if you want to update those in the project.

Update the existing document or view in my project radio button: Click this to update all listed documents.

Do not update: skip these files radio button: Click this to ignore all listed documents, and import new documents only.

Files with no matching document in the project section:

In this section, memoQ lists the documents that have no corresponding documents in your memoQ project. You can decide if you want to add those to the project.

Import these files as new documents in the current target language radio button: Click this to add the contents of the RTF files in the list to the project as new documents in the currently selected target language.

Do not import: skip these files radio button: Click this to ignore all listed documents, and update existing documents only.


Click OK to proceed with the import or update. Click Cancel to leave the dialog without importing the files.