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When you install memoQ, it offers a set of pre-configured built-in light resources. These are the default resources when you first start the program. If you don't configure anything in the project, and simply use the New memoQ project wizard to set up the project, these resources will be included in the next project. Every new project will be set up with the default resources included.

If you later want to change what resources to include in the project, you can change the default to a different resource. To prevent unintentional change, you cannot edit built-in resources but you can create a copy of them by cloning them and editing that version.

Configure your default resources for local projects in the memoQ application menu, choose Options > Options > Default resources, and for remote resources in the Server administrator > Default server resources.

Certain resources are bound to a language, others are not. For example, you can have the same QA settings for multiple languages while you cannot use the same segmentation rules for many languages.

Some resources need to be assigned to the project before you import your documents (segmentation rules).