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Comment rules and context rules are used in the Document import settings dialog for Microsoft Excel files, in the Advanced comment options dialog and in the Advanced context options dialog to specify a general pattern defining how comments and ID-based contexts are added to memoQ when a Microsoft® Excel® file is imported for translation.


The rule specifies what the comment for the top left cell should be; comments for all other cells are implied by the same logic.

Row and column designations of the cell can be used with or without the dollar sign, e.g. A1, $A1, A$1, $A$1; B1, $B1, B$1, $B$1 etc.

Designations with the dollar sign are absolute; designations without the dollar sign are relative. This means that, if the top-left cell is A1, $B will be interpreted as "column B" for all cells, while B will be interpreted as "the column on the right of the current cell" (as explained above, this logic is implied from the relation between the specified cell and the top-left cell).


If top-left cell is A1:

B1 instructs memoQ to import the comment from the cell to the right from the current text cell (same row, next column).

A2 instructs memoQ to import the comment from the cell below the current text cell (same column, next row).

$H1 instructs memoQ to import the comment from the current row of column H (same row, fixed column).

A$1 instructs memoQ to import the comment from the first row of the current column (same column, fixed row).

$B$3 instructs memoQ to import the comment from the third row of column B, i.e. from cell B3 (fixed column, fixed row).