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CAL stands for Concurrent Access Licensing. When you set up your memoQ server to use your license pools, you can choose whether you wish to use ELM (Enterprise License Management), or CAL. You cannot mix the two: all the licenses your memoQ server distributes will either be CAL or ELM. However, if you set memoQ server to one type of licensing, you can change your mind later, and reconfigure the server to the other type without reinstalling the server.

The difference between CAL and ELM is how long a memoQ client holds on to a license. With ELM, the license is lent to the user for days, and her copy of memoQ locks on to the memoQ license for the entire time. On the other hand, if your organization is using CAL licenses, a copy of memoQ grabs a license when it is started, and releases the license immediately when the user closes memoQ.

Using CAL licenses is more economic, and it is a recommended choice whenever possible. However, there might be technical constraints that will make you choose ELM.

To use a CAL license, memoQ must be connected to the Internet – and to the memoQ server – all the time. If the connection is lost, the license will also be lost, and memoQ will stop working. If there are users who cannot be connected all the time, or whose Internet connection is not reliable, you might need to use ELM because ELM checks for the license once a day only, and it survives if the check fails once.

You can choose between CAL and ELM if both your memoQ server and the user's copy of memoQ are version 2013 R2 (6.8.50) or later.

A CAL license is valid for a limited period of time only. The issuing company usually sets an expiration date so that the license expires for instance after the translation task is finished.

If you use a Terminal Server, you need to use a CAL license pool instead of a terminal server license pool after you upgrade to memoQ 2013 R2 (6.8.51) and higher.

If the user's copy of memoQ does not have a license (stronger than 4Free) or an existing connection to a CAL server, you have the following options:

For checking out an online project:

1.When you click the Check out from server button from the Project ribbon, enter the desired server URL in the checkout dialog, then click Select. memoQ now contacts the server. If the server uses ELM licensing, the Activation wizard appears. If the server uses CAL licensing, memoQ will retrieve the list of projects, although memoQ is still only in 4free mode.

2.When you select a project for checkout, memoQ contacts the server to claim a project-based CAL license for that particular project.

3.If a project-based CAL license is granted, memoQ proceeds with the project checkout.

If no license is granted, a message box appears. The project checkout window remains open.

Opening a checked-out local copy of an online project:

1.Open an existing local copy from the list of projects in your Dashboard.

2.memoQ contacts the server and requests a project-based CAL license.

If the license is granted, memoQ proceeds to open the project.

If no license is granted, memoQ explains the reason in a message box.

Accessing an online project through memoQWebTrans:

If a user opens memoQWeb to work on her tasks, memoQ server will give her a license, too. This license is taken when the user opens her document in memoQWebTrans, and returns when she closes her document. Through memoQWeb, ELM and CAL behave the same: when the user closes her last document in memoQWebTrans, the license returns to the pool.

Server will use memoQ web license with memoQWeb: From memoQ server 2015 (7.8.100) onwards, if the server has a pool of the new memoQ web licenses, it will take one when someone accesses memoQWeb. If the memoQ web pool runs out, though, the server will take a translator pro license from the translator pro pool.

Note: When you close the local copy of your project or if you close memoQ, the project-based CAL license is returned to the server.

Note: If you use memoQ in the translator pro or project manager edition with a fixed license (e.g. you bought a license), memoQ never requests a project-based CAL license.


See also:

Server administrator - CAL settings

Activation wizard