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The Copy source to target where empty dialog allows you to insert the contents of corresponding source segments into empty target segments. By using this tool you can always create an export file that looks identical to the original and also contains your translations, so you can preview your translation even if you are not done.


How to begin

You can invoke the Copy source to target where empty dialog by choosing Copy Source To Target Where Empty on the Preparation ribbon tab.


Select the scope of the operation:

Project: Select this radio button to fill all empty segments in the project with the source segment contents.

Selected documents: Select this radio button to fill all empty segments with the source segment contents only in the documents you selected in the Translations pane of the Project manager.

Open documents: Select this radio button to fill all empty segments with the source segment contents only in the documents that are currently open.

Active document: Select this radio button to fill all empty segments with the source segment contents only in the active document.

From cursor: Select this radio button to fill all empty segments with the source segment contents only in the active document downwards from the cursor. This option is only available if you start the Clear translations dialog with a translation document open and active in memoQ.

Selection: Select this radio button to fill only the selected empty segments of the active document with the source segment contents. This option is only available if you start the Clear translations dialog with a translation document open and active in memoQ.

Work on views: Check this check box to fill all empty segments with the source segment contents only in the views of the project. This option is only available if you select the Project radio button. When unchecked, the scope is all the segments of the original documents of the project, excluding the segments of views.


Click OK to perform the operation. Clicking Cancel will close the dialog without performing the operation.