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The Dashboard opens when you start memoQ. It  allows you to choose what you want to do first, provides you with an interface where you can manage your projects, and displays information about the license you are using.

See also: PM Dashboard, Translator Dashboard

The Project ribbon tab is the first tab open after opening memoQ.


How to begin

This window opens automatically when you start memoQ. In order to return to the Dashboard, you need to close a project. Click the application menu icon () to open the application menu. Choose Close Project to close the currently open project. Or click the Close Project button on the Project ribbon tab.


The Project ribbon tab has 5 sections: Manage project, Finish/Delete, Create project, memoQ server, Archive/backup and a news bar.

Manage project section

This section allows to choose what you want to do first after opening memoQ.

Open: Opens a memoQ project using the Open dialog. Only one project can be open at a time. If there is an active project,  memoQ automatically offers to close it. When you are connected to a memoQ server, this command becomes Manage.

Open Recent: Offers a list of the five recently opened projects so that you can open one of them again.

Rename: Enter the new name in the Name field. Click OK to apply the renaming of your project. Click Cancel to cancel the renaming. When you rename your project, all locations where the project is stored, are renamed: project folder name, project registry, memory, recent project list, main project list, etc.

Note: Existing check out copies of an online project are not affected from the renaming.

Manage Projects: Opens the Manage Projects dialog.

Close Project: Closes the currently opened project.


Finish/Delete section

Move To Recycle Bin: Moves a project to the recycle bin.

Wrap Up: Use this link to set a project to finished.

If you work in a checked out copy of an online project, then the Deliver command is visible. Click this button to deliver all completed documents that are assigned to you. This command only works when you are in the Documents list of the Translations pane. If you click the Deliver/return command on the Documents ribbon tab, then only the selected document(s) are delivered.


Create project section

This section displays the following information and controls:

New Project: Click the arrow icon in the lower part of the New Project icon to choose the project type (New Project From Template, New Project, New Online Project From Template, New Online Project) to create a new memoQ project using the New memoQ project wizard. Only one project can be open at a time. If there is an active project, memoQ automatically offers to close it. Click the upper part of the icon to create a local project with a project template.

Next to the New Project command you see the last used project templates. Click the arrow icon to open the manage or add templates dialog to change the display of the last used templates. Select a template, double click it to open the Create new project from template dialog.

Import Package: Click this command to import a package sent by your client. In the Import package dialog, you may want to rename the project or save it to a different location. After clicking OK, memoQ automatically configures your environment and you are ready to start translating.

Check Out From Server: Click this command to check out a memoQ online project file (a *.spr file) in the Check out online project dialog for online work. memoQ needs access to the Internet to complete this task.

Publish On Server: Click this command to publish a project on a memoQ server.

Clone: Click this button to clone a project. This button is only visible for online projects since you cannot clone local projects.


memoQ server section

This section displays the controls to access a memoQ server and to manage a server.

Server Administrator: Click this command to open the Server administrator dialog where you can manage any memoQ server, no matter whether it is installed on the same machine or it is a remote server.

Manage Logins: Click this command to manage the logins for your memoQ servers. You might work for several customers using different memoQ servers; therefore, your list can contain several memoQ servers you connect to.

Reassign: Click this command to reassign users in projects. This may happen when a translator becomes ill and you need to reassign his roles in several projects with another user. This command is only visible when you are connected to a memoQ server, and you are the PM for these projects or administrator on this server.

Enter a memoQ server URL into the Server URL box above. Or choose a memoQ server from this drop-down list. Then click the check mark icon to select this server.


Archive/backup section

This section displays the commands to backup a project and to move it to the recycle bin:

View Recycle Bin: Opens the recycle bin to view the projects which you have moved to the recycle bin.

Back Up: Click this button to back up a project. You can backup your project on your computer or in the cloud on Language Terminal.

Restore: Click this button to restore a project from a specified location or from Language Terminal.


Language Terminal section

When you select Language Terminal from the Server URL drop-down list, then this section is visible:

See LT ribbon