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memoQ has default local templates that you can use to create a project. You can publish a local template to make it available on a memoQ server.

The default templates contain the configuration of automated triggers for actions like what should happen after document import. Please configure the templates according to your needs, e.g. adding further light resources.

How to begin

You can invoke the Project templates dialog from the Resource console, by clicking the Project templates icon.

Here you find the default templates for local projects:

One TM and one TB per language pair: there is only one TM and one TB per language pair, no more.

One TM per client template: there is only one TM per client.

You can open each template and make changes to it. To do this, select a template, and then click the Edit link.


The One TM per client template contains:

the configuration of the project name including the client and project meta-information followed by the source language code (2-letters) and the target language codes (also 2-letters).

the source and target languages are not specified; you can do this either in editing this template or in adding them when you select the template on project creation. memoQ also detects your source language when you create a project from this template. memoQ remembers the last used target languages, and suggest them, if you have not specified them in the template.

for LiveDocs, only the name is pre-defined: here the client is used.

for Translation Memories, the working (primary) TM and Master TM names are pre-defined.

ofor the working TM: Project name followed by the source language code (2-letters) and the target language codes (also 2-letters).

ofor the Master TM:  Client name followed by the source language code (2-letters) and the target language codes (also 2-letters).

ofor reference TMs: they are selected by client name.

Note: The rule in the default templates is: xlient-srclangiso2-trglaangiso2. Example: companyname-en-de. If there is already a TM called companyname-en-de, it will be added to the project, and otherwise it will be created.

for Term bases: they are selected by client name.

for Muses: no configuration.

for Settings: since no source language is specified, no settings are selected. You need to configure a source language to make settings selections. For the language independent settings, the default settings are used.

for People: no configuration. Add users to the template for automatic user assignment after project creation.

for automatic actions: there are pre-defined automated actions.

oProject was created: the action Pre-translate is specified (settings: Good match, TM-driven segmentation, Homogeneity, Project TMs and Corpora, Details by source, word count: memoQ, no segment locking).

oAfter document import: the action Pre-translate is specified (settings: Good match, TM-driven segmentation, Homogeneity, Project TMs and Corpora, Details by source, word count: memoQ, no segment locking).

oAfter project wrap-up: the actions to confirm and update rows (settings: Edited, All statuses), document export and the deletion of the working TM are specified.

oFor all other actions are no triggers specified.


The One TM and one TB per language pair template contains:

project name configured to automatically name your project: Year-Month-Day-Project

no configuration for the project languages

memoQ also detects your source language when you create a project from this template. memoQ remembers the last used target languages, and suggest them, if you have not specified them in the template.

for LiveDocs: matching the following naming rule memoQ corpus.

for Translation Memories, the working (primary) TM naming rule is pre-defined. The Master TM field is empty.

ofor the working TM: Project name followed by the source language code (2-letters) and the target language codes (also 2-letters).

ofor the Master TM:  Client name followed by the source language code (2-letters) and the target language codes (also 2-letters).

ofor reference TMs: no configuration. The Client, Domain and Subject check boxes are checked by default. If these are matching, memoQ will assign these TMs as reference TMs.

Note: The rule in the default templates is: xlient-srclangiso2-trglaangiso2. Example: companyname-en-de. If there is already a TM called companyname-en-de, it will be added to the project, and otherwise it will be created.

for Term bases: the term base is selected by its meta-information (Client, Subject, Domain). The term base name consists of the name (memoQ term base) followed by the source language code (2-letters) and the target language code (also 2-letters).

for Muses: no configuration.

for Settings: since no source language is specified, no settings are selected. You need to configure a source language to make settings selections. For the language independent settings, the default settings are used.

for People: no configuration. Add users to the template for automatic user assignment after project creation.

for automatic actions: there are pre-defined automated actions.

oAfter document import: the action Pre-translate is specified (settings: Good match, TM-driven segmentation, Homogeneity, Project TMs and Corpora, Details by source, word count: memoQ, no segment locking).

oAfter reimport: the action Pre-translate is specified (settings: Good match, TM-driven segmentation, Homogeneity, Project TMs and Corpora, Details by source, word count: memoQ, no segment locking). The action X-translate is also specified (setting: Mid-project update).

oAfter project wrap-up: the actions to confirm and update rows and the document export are specified.

oFor all other actions are no triggers specified.


The Content connector template contains:

no configuration for the project name and the project languages

memoQ also detects your source language when you create a project from this template. memoQ remembers the last used target languages, and suggest them, if you have not specified them in the template.

for LiveDocs: no configuration.

for Translation Memories: no configuration.

for Term bases: no configuration.

for Muses: no configuration.

for Settings: since no source language is specified, no settings are selected. You need to configure a source language to make settings selections. For the language independent settings, the default settings are used.

for People: no configuration. Add users to the template for automatic user assignment after project creation.

for automatic actions: there are pre-defined automated actions.

After document import:

oCreate analysis report (settings: Use Project TMs and corpora, word count: memoQ)

oPre-translate (settings: Good match, TM-driven segmentation, Homogeneity, Project TMs and Corpora, Details by source, word count: memoQ, no segment locking)

oAuto-assign documents to users (Assign to suitable translator or reviewer if possible option is the default in the Auto-assign new documents section) (settings: Start of business in this number of weekdays: for Translator: 1, for Reviewer 1: 2, for Reviewer 2: 3, use weighted word counts if available, for Translator: 2000, for Reviewer 1: 4000, for Reviewer 2: 4000)

After document reimport:

oX-translate (settings: running project)

oCreate analysis report (Calculate analysis when content changes is enabled by default) (settings: Use Project TMs and corpora, word count: memoQ)

oPre-translate (settings: Good match, TM-driven segmentation, Homogeneity, Project TMs and Corpora, Details by source, word count: memoQ, no segment locking)

Document is removed:

oRun post-translation analysis (word count: memoQ)

Note: The template does not contain the Progress report creation because the progress report creation is a mandatory part of the content connector synchronization; memoQ sends back this report to the content connector at the end of the synchronization.