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You can export selected documents or the entire project from the Translations pane to Language Terminal.

Note: When you create a local project in memoQ, you must enable the Create Language Terminal entry for this project check box to export the translated files to Language Terminal.

How to begin

Make sure that you are signed in to Language Terminal. To check this, click the memoQ ribbon tab, and on the My memoQ page, look at the details under the Language Terminal heading. If it indicates a user name, you are connected; but if it says Sign in, click that link, and type your Language Terminal user name and password in the dialog box that appears.

Open a local project in memoQ. In the left pane of Project home, click the Translations icon. In the Documents list, you can deliver documents which are complete (100%). Select a document from the document list, then click the Deliver/Return command on the Documents ribbon tab (for online projects: click the Deliver link in the Translations pane). The Deliver to Language Terminal dialog appears.

Project must be connected to Language Terminal: It is not enough to sign in to Language Terminal; your project must also be recorded on Language Terminal. To check if the project is connected to Language Terminal, go to Project home, and click Overview. There must be a Language Terminal section that shows details on the Language Terminal counterpart of the project.


The Exported translation check box is grayed out in the Deliver to Language Terminal dialog. When you export your final files from memoQ to Language Terminal, then you cannot uncheck this check box.

Check the Source document check box to also export the source document.

Check the Bilingual file (*.mqxlf) to also export the bilingual file.


Click OK to export the files. memoQ will create a ZIP folder that contains 3 folders (Deliver, Source, Bilingual). memoQ uploads this ZIP folder to Language Terminal. The ZIP is stored in Projects. Open your project in Language Terminal, then go to the Files tab. In the Overview pane in memoQ, you can also click the file store link.

No Language Terminal connection for online projects: In memoQ 2015, build 7.8.100 or newer, you cannot connect online projects to Language Terminal. It is not possible to deliver documents from online projects, or to online projects, through Language Terminal. This restriction is temporary: Language Terminal capabilities will return to online projects in a future release of memoQ.