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In an online project, you can assign documents and tasks to Language Terminal users. To do this, first you need to add these users to the online project. You can choose from users who are already listed as your vendors or as members of your organization.

Once these users are added to your project, you can assign them documents and tasks the same way as you would assign tasks to regular users from memoQ server.

To work on these tasks, the Language Terminal users need to log in to the memoQ server. They can use their Language Terminal user names and passwords: they do not need a separate user account on the memoQ server itself.

Work done on online projects is not recorded on Language Terminal. The users will not see these assignments in Language Terminal, and there will be no Language Terminal record of the project even after they check it out from memoQ server. There will be no record of the online project, either.

Language Terminal users need to check out the online project the same way as any other memoQ server user, and they need to deliver their work the same way, too.

No Language Terminal record for online projects: Recording online projects in Language Terminal is deactivated in memoQ 2015 (builds 7.8.100 or later). This restriction is temporary: Language Terminal project management capabilities will return in a future release of memoQ.