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When you work in an online project, the translator or reviewer has a Deliver/return link. He needs to navigate to the Translations pane of Project home, select the documents to deliver, and then click the Deliver/return button on the Documents ribbon tab.

It can happen that not all errors are resolved. In order to prevent a faulty document export, the document is scanned for errors:

When the translator in his assigned translator role clicks the Deliver/Return button on the Documents ribbon tab, the QA check is performed.

When the reviewer in his assigned reviewer role clicks the Deliver/Return button on the Documents ribbon tab, the Deliver/Return dialog appears. If the reviewer clicks Deliver/Return, the QA check is performed. If the reviewer decides to choose to return the document, then it is returned to the previous role in the project without performing a QA check.


See also:

Cannot deliver a document

Work in an online project