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This ribbon divides into several sections for document preparation. These steps are most often performed by the project manager on a large project.

Translations section:

Pre-Translate: Displays the Pre-translate dialog with the pre-translation scope set to the whole project.

Copy Source To Target Where Empty: Copies the contents of source segments to the target segments where the target segment is empty within the project, the open documents, or the active document. Use this command to get a preview of the exported document anytime.

Populate Number-Only Segments: Opens the Populate Number-only segments dialog. The populating numbers feature allows you to populate numbers only segments. memoQ automatically inserts the numbers.

Clear Translations: Clears some or all translations in the project, the open documents or the active document. Displays the Clear translation dialog. Use with caution.


Find/Replace section:

Find: Find text in the entire project, the open documents, the active project, the active alignment grid, or in the active translation memory editor tab. Displays the Find and replace dialog. Default shortcut key: Ctrl+F.

Replace: Find and replace text with different text in the entire project, the open documents, the active project, the active alignment grid, or in the active translation memory editor tab. Displays the Find and replace dialog. Default shortcut key: Ctrl+H.


Segment Status section:

Lock/Unlock Segments: Displays the Lock segments dialog where you can choose the documents where you want to lock segments with specific status.

Change Segment Status: Displays the Change segment status dialog to adjust the status of segments in the current document, the selected documents or in the entire project.


Other section:

Quality Assurance: Click the arrow in the lower part of the Quality Assurance icon to choose to run QA or to go to the Resolve Errors and Warnings tab. If you click the upper part of the icon, the Run QA dialog opens automatically.

oRun QA: Displays the Run QA dialog and runs quality assurance against one or more documents or translation memories.

oResolve Errors and Warnings: Opens the Resolve errors and warnings tab to review the list of QA and formatting errors and warnings in the project.

Changes And Conflicts: Click the arrow icon to choose to review changes and conflicts or to clear change marks.

oClear Change Marks: Displays the Clear change marks dialog where you can clear the marks from the changes in the documents that were downloaded from or uploaded to a memoQ server. This command is available only if you work on an online project.

oReview Changes and Conflicts: Opens the Review changes and conflicts pane where you can look at the changes in the documents that were synchronized with the master copy of the same documents on a memoQ server. This command is available only if you work on an online project.

Regex Tagger: Displays the Tag current document dialog to convert some of the text into inline tags with the help of regular expressions. Useful if the source document contains HTML or XML markup in the text.

Extract Terms: Click the arrow in the lower part of the Extract Terms command to choose to extract terms or to return to a term extraction session. If you click the upper part of the Extract Terms icon, then the Extract candidates dialog appears directly to extract possible items of terminology from the documents, translation memories, and LiveDocs corpora in the project. If you use this command for the first time in the project, the Extract candidates dialog appears. If you have already run term extraction in the project, the Extract terms dialog appears, where you can continue working on previous lists of term candidates (also called term extraction sessions). When you click the arrow icon you can return to a previous term extraction session.

Confirm And Update: Confirms and updates all edited segments to the master TM in the project, in the open documents or in the active document. Displays the Confirm and update rows dialog. Default shortcut key: Ctrl+Shift+U.

Find Abbreviations: Finds abbreviation candidates that you can add to your abbreviation list in your segmentation rule set.

Clear comments: Clears the comment of different categories (Information, Warning, Error, Other) for a specified scope (active document, project, open documents).