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You manage an online project in the memoQ online project dialog. You cannot open the documents from this dialog. To edit the documents in the project you are managing, you need to check out the project, and edit the documents there.

Important: If you created the online project by publishing a local project, do not return to the original local project to edit the documents. The original local project has no connection to the online project. Instead, always check out the online project, and edit the documents there.

1.Check out the online project: follow the steps in the Work in an online project topic.

Caution: If you created the online project by publishing a local project, and you did not change the name of the project on the server, you will need to change the name of the local copy as you check out the online project – because a local project already exists with the same name.

If you check out the project as a project manager, memoQ will download all documents as you check out the project, even if you have not been assigned any documents in any roles.

2.To edit a document, always open the local (checked-out) copy of the online project. To edit a document, navigate to the Translations pane, and double-click the name of the document.

3.If you make changes to a document in an online project and you have turned off automatic synchronization, you need to upload these changes to the memoQ server: select the documents that were modified, and click the Synchronize Project command below the document list.

4.To manage your project – change document assignments, look at the progress – while you are editing the documents, use the Manage projects dialog. From the Manage projects dialog, you can open the project in the memoQ online project dialog. This way you can have the local copy open (to edit the documents), and manage the project in a separate window.

Note: While you are working in the memoQ online document dialog, you cannot make changes to the local copy of the project. Close the memoQ online document dialog if you want to return to the document editor.