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In memoQ, you do not need the original documents to work on the translation or export the result. memoQ XLIFF files or bilingual DOC files contain both the original and the translated segments. memoQ XLIFF files also contain the formatting of the document and the major version history. If you receive a translation document in the form of an XLIFF file, you can export the translation on your computer without the original file.

If you work with Trados-compatible DOC files, you can export the result anywhere if the original file is a Word document. If the original document is of a different format, you need to return the bilingual file to the computer where the original file was imported, update the project with the bilingual file, then export the translation. If you receive a translation document in the form of tagged Trados bilingual files, it is the Trados-tagged version that is imported into, and later exported from, memoQ, not the original file. Export of the tagged Trados bilingual files to the original format needs to be done in Trados. The same applies for SDLXLIFF files: you cannot export the original file from an SDLXLIFF file that you imported into memoQ.