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Once the translation and possibly the review/revision of a document is finished in an online project, the project manager can export the finished translation. Here is how:

1.On the Project ribbon tab, choose Manage projects. The Manage projects dialog opens: select the project to manage, then click the Manage link below the list. The project opens in the memoQ online project dialog.

2.Navigate to the Translations pane, and select a target language from the Target language drop-down box (at the top right corner).

3.Select the documents you want to export, then choose Export > Export (dialog) or Export (stored path) on the Documents ribbon tab. You can use the stored path if you are exporting the documents on the same computer where you imported them.

Important: You cannot export documents when the Target language drop-down list is set to All languages – you can export documents in a specific target language only.

Important: In online projects, all segments must be confirmed when you Export (stored path) or Export (dialog). If there are unconfirmed, edited or not started segments or errors, memoQ will display a message where you need to decide to resolve the errors, to ignore errors and proceed with the export. For all untranslated rows, the source is copied to the target.

Note: memoQ exports the documents according to the export path rules. An export path rule set is always assigned to the project as a resource. In an online project, make sure you use relative export path rules, or make sure that all target folders exist on your computer.

Note: If you need to deliver bilingual files instead of the source format of the documents, choose Export bilingual on the Documents ribbon tab. The Bilingual export wizard appears. Choose the bilingual export format: memoQ XLIFF, Trados-compatible bilingual Document or Two-column RTF (see Export bilingual).