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To extract terms from documents, translation memories, or LiveDocs corpora in memoQ, do the following:

1.Create a local project. Add all documents, translation memories, and LiveDocs corpora that you wish to extract terms from.

2.In the Term bases pane of Project home, select all term bases that might offer useful target-language equivalents.

3.On the Preparation ribbon tab, choose Extract Terms.

If this is the first time you run term extraction in the current project, the Extract candidates dialog appears.

If you have already run term extraction in the current project, the Extract terms dialog appears. To start a new term extraction session, click New session. Then memoQ displays the Extract candidates dialog.

Note: If you already have a list of term candidates in a previous project, select the corresponding term extraction session in the Extract terms dialog, and click Continue session. The saved candidate list opens up in the candidate list editor.

4.Adjust all settings for the term extraction process: do not forget to include a stop word list and term bases to search through.

5.When you click OK in the Extract candidates dialog, memoQ reads through all your source materials (documents, translation memories, and LiveDocs corpora), which can be a lengthy process.

Note: You can only use local translation memories, remote ones are not supported. If you have a remote TM attached to your project, the Translation memories and LiveDocs options in the Extract candidates dialog are grayed out.

Once memoQ finishes processing your source materials, it displays a list of term candidates in the candidate list editor.

6.In the candidate list editor, clean up the list of candidates – this means doing the following:

dropping and/or hiding irrelevant candidates,

filtering the list for specific words or phrases, and dropping (almost) everything in the filtered list,

merging multiple candidates in a single entry to indicate that those candidates are different forms of the same term,

correcting the candidates on the source side,

adjusting the stop word list.

For details on the commands you can use to clean up your list, see the description of the candidate list editor.

During the cleanup, you might want to start the session over with different settings. You can do that by clicking the Restart session icon. This displays the Extract candidates dialog again, where you can choose new settings for your session.

Caution: If you restart a term extraction session, your existing candidate list will be deleted.

Important: When you determine that a term is relevant, and it should stay on the list, do not forget to confirm it using Ctrl+Enter.

7.Once you cleaned up the list of term candidates, you need to fill in the target-language equivalents.

If you chose to look up terms in the Extract candidates dialog, some target-language equivalents will already be filled in, at least partially. You need to type or paste in the rest. You can use the term base occurrences and the concordance matches available in the candidate list editor.

You can also include additional term bases in your project, and have memoQ look up the terms again in the candidate list editor: go back to the Term bases pane of Project home, add term bases to the project, and then click back to the candidate list editor. Then click the Look up terms now icon, and then review and fill in target-language equivalents.

8.When the list is cleaned, and the target-language equivalents are filled in, you can export your list to a term base. Click the Export To Term Base button on the Term Extraction ribbon tab to do this. You will need to select one term base in the Export accepted terms to term base dialog. It is recommended to create an empty term base in the project to do this.

Note: You can start using the candidate list for translation before it is completely cleaned up and filled in. If you check the Accepted terms provide lookup results check box, the Translation results pane will show term base hits from the term candidate list, too. The hits will come from entries that you confirmed earlier: this is why it is important to confirm each relevant term (using Ctrl+Enter), even when there is no target-language equivalent.