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The Find and replace tab lists segments that were marked using a Find/Replace mark during a Find or Replace operation. On this tab, you can review all segments marked this way, and you can edit each affected segment. In addition, you can replace the text that was found with the replacement text specified during the Find or replace operation.

The Find and replace tab offers an easy method to review all segments where the search expression occurs, especially when the affected segments occur in several different documents.


How to begin

Start a Find or Replace operation: on the Preparation or Edit ribbon tab, choose Find or Replace. Fill in the search text and optionally the Replace with text, then check the List results check box. Then click Mark all. memoQ will find the search expression, and mark each segment where it occurs, then opens the Find and replace tab to list the results.


The lower part of the tab lists the segments where the search expression(s) occurred. It shows the document name, the row number, and the segment text. The last column (S/T) shows whether the search expression was found in the source or the target cell.

When you select a row in the lower part, the segment appears at the top of the Find and replace tab.

Note: You can only replace text in the target cells, not in the source text.

Note: When you do find and replace in the TM editor, then you can search and replace in the source and target cells.

In addition to the usual commands, the following options are also available in the Find and replace tab:

Press Ctrl+Up arrow to move one row up in the lower part (in the segment list). Alternatively, you can click the Move to previous item link at the top of the tab.

Press Ctrl+Down arrow to move one row down in the lower part (in the segment list). Alternatively, you can click the Move to next item link at the top of the tab.

Click the Replace link or press Ctrl+Space to replace the search expression with the Replace with expression in the current segment. You need to specify the Replace with expression in the Find and replace dialog, before opening the Find and replace tab to review the results. If you do not specify a Replace with expression, this link is not available.

Click the Replace all link to replace the search expression with the Replace with expression in all segments in the list. You need to specify the Replace with expression in the Find and replace dialog, before opening the Find and replace tab to review the results. If you do not specify a Replace with expression, this link is not available.

Press Ctrl+Enter or click the Confirm link to confirm the current segment, and save the translation to the primary translation memory in the project.

Press Ctrl+Shift+Enter or click the Confirm without update link to confirm the current segment without saving the translation to the primary translation memory.


You can navigate the list using the mouse or the keyboard.

Move to previous item: Moves up in the list. Key shortcut: Ctrl+Up arrow.

Move to next item: Moves down in the list. Key shortcut: Ctrl+Down arrow.