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Use this dialog to control how memoQ imports HyperText Markup Language (HTML) documents, also known as web pages. memoQ also supports the HTML 5 format.


How to begin

In the Translations pane of Project home, choose Import > Import with options button on the Documents ribbon tab, and in the Open dialog, locate and select a HTML file (with the .htm or .html extension). On the Html config tab, configure the HTML import settings. If you also import PHP, use also the Php config tab for configuring the Php import options.


memoQ has two HTML filters. The default filter works with inline tags, showing you the content of the HTML tags. The other filter imports HTML tags as uninterpreted formatting tags. You can choose between these two filters. The settings are different for the two filters.

Select import type: Use this radio button to choose between the two filters: Import markup as inline tags or Import markup as memoQ tags. The settings are different for the two filters.

Import markup as inline tags filter options

Import markup as memoQ tags filter options

If you import an HTML document without invoking this dialog, HTML comments, if any, are not imported and newline characters are ignored. Drop-down lists, however, are imported.

When you import a HTML 5 document, memoQ recognizes the translate attribute that explicitly marks element as translatable or non-translatable:

If there is a “yes” value on any element, it will be imported as translatable, even if it is non-translatable according to the built-in filter configuration (defined non-translatable by the filter configuration, or as the child of a non-translatable element).

If there is a “no” value on an element, it will not be imported as translatable, even if it is translatable according to the built-in filter configuration.

Note: The lang attribute can be present on HTML elements to specify the language of the content. memoQ supports the lang attribute: When you export the document, memoQ changes the lang attribute to the language code of the target language of the memoQ translation document for the parts that were actually processed by memoQ (imported for translation). The language code is only changed if the original code matched the source language of the project. If a part of the document was marked up as Japanese in an otherwise English document, memoQ assumes it was on purpose. The matching ignores sublanguages, e.g., English and English US are not considered different.

For HTML 5:

Since HTML 5, HTML elements can have a translatable attribute with a "yes" or a "no" value. The memoQ HTML filter behaves the following for the translate attribute:

If the value is "yes", it is imported as translatable content, even if it is non-translatable according to the built-in filter configuration.

If the value is "no", it is not imported as translatable, even if it is translatable according to the built-in filter configuration.

See also the W3C site here.

The memoQ HTML filter behaves the following for the lang attribute to specify the language of the content:

On export, the lang attribute is changed to the language code of the target language of the memoQ translation document that was imported for translation.

The language code is only changed if the original code matched the source language of the project. For example you marked a part of a document as e.g. Japanese in an otherwise English document.

The matching ignores sublanguages, e.g. English and English-US. They are not considered different.