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memoQ offers context (101%) matches for:

the text flow: when the previous and the following segment are the same for the surrounding source segment, stored in the TM entry.

for ID-based context: when an associated string ID (e.g. a resource identifier in software code) is the same in the current document s in the TM entry.

Both contexts allow the same segment to be translated in multiple different ways.

Double context matches are 102% (or XLT) matches. Such matches are where the ID-based context and the text flow context are both identical.

You get double context matches, when you have running text, which can be one or more paragraphs long, and every text chunk also has an identifier coming from a content management system (CMS) or a structured document. In these cases, the text flow and the ID-based context can both be identical, and that is when you get a double context match.

101% matches if only one of the contexts match: If the translation memory can use double context, but only one type of context is identical (for example, the text flow is the same but the IDs are not), memoQ will return a simple context (101%) match. If both contexts are different, and only the actual source segment is identical to the one in the translation memory, then match rate will be 100% (which is a regular exact match).

Missing contexts count as a match: If one of the contexts are missing from both the TM and from the source text, that counts as a match. For example, if a TM match has no context ID and the source segment has no context ID either, but the text flow is the same, that will be a 102% match – if the translation memory was created with the double context setting.

memoQ's translation memories store the ID-based context and the text flow context for every segment – if they were created with the double context setting.

Double context matches are ranked higher than context (101%) matches. There is no extra match range. The XLT match rate is used for double context matches, and displayed under x-translated in the Statistics dialog. The XLT match rate is also used for x-translating your document. Double context matches are displayed as XLT (102%) in the segment, after you pre-translated your document.