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Using the Insert symbol dialog, you can insert symbols into your translation. At times, you need to use special characters that are not included in standard keyboard layouts. You can insert the whole range of Unicode characters using this dialog.

Note: Use the Insert Special Character button on the Edit ribbon tab to insert left-to-right and right-to-left markers if you work with Arabic and Hebrew as your target language.

How to begin

When editing the translation, on the Edit ribbon tab, choose Insert Symbol, or press Ctrl+Shift+I.


The Insert symbol dialog has four sections: Display, Select characters, Unicode and History.

Display section:

Range: Use this drop-down list to jump to a required range on the matrix.

Group: Use this drop-down list to jump to a required group on the matrix.

Preview font: Use this drop-down list to change the displayed font type of the matrix.


You can also insert superscript and subscript in using the Insert symbol dialog:

In the Range drop-down list, choose Symbols. In the Group drop-down list, choose Superscripts and Subscripts. Select the symbol to insert, and click Insert. Or use the superscript and subscripts icons on the Edit ribbon tab for insertion in the translation grid.


Select characters section:

Use this grid to select a symbol to insert into the translation document by clicking the Insert button.

Unicode section:

Use this section to insert a symbol by entering its decimal or hexadecimal code, and clicking the Insert button. For more detailed information on the Unicode standard, refer to the website of the Unicode Consortium, www.unicode.org. Whenever you choose a symbol, its Unicode value will appear in this section.

Character: Use this field to copy the selected symbol to the clipboard.

History section:

From this smaller grid, you can insert a recently inserted symbol by selecting it from the list, and clicking Insert. The last inserted symbol appears on the left, and the list is shifted right as new symbols are added.


Click Insert to insert the symbol you selected. If you want memoQ to close the dialog automatically after inserting the symbol, check the automatically close form after insertion check box. Click Close to close the dialog without inserting a symbol.