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Language Terminal (LT) is a portal that offers added value for you as a translator or small organizations. You can

back up your projects,

share translation memories and term bases with other members of Language Terminal,

share your light resources at a marketplace,

track your local projects from quoting to invoicing,

and you can use Language Terminal to create MQXLIFF files from INDD files.

Please check the Knowledge Base for more information.


From local projects, you can record your work in Language Terminal directly from memoQ:

When you create a project, and ask memoQ to record your work in Language Terminal, memoQ will call on LT to create a counterpart of the project (a "tracking project").

You can list your clients and subject fields in Language Terminal, and choose from them when you create a memoQ project.

You can enter financial information: from your word count statistics, memoQ can calculate a quote with the help of Language Terminal, and tell Language Terminal to display, print, or send your quote.

You can deliver finished documents to Language Terminal, and tell LT to send them to your client in one package.


No Language Terminal tracking for online projects: In memoQ 2015 (build 7.8.100 and later), it is not possible to connect online projects to Language Terminal. Language Terminal users cannot be added to online projects, either. This restriction is temporary: Language Terminal capabilities will return to online projects in a future release of memoQ.