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The LiveAlign™ technology is a revolution in the process called alignment. Alignment traditionally refers to taking two equivalent documents in two languages and establishing the links between the sentences to be able to build a translation memory. This is how translations not prepared in a translation tool become an asset in the process.

Alignment only exists because other technologies need it. memoQ's revolutionary LiveAlign technology cuts the need for previous alignment and eliminates the disadvantages of traditional alignment such as:

Having to align before being able to translate.

Having to store the alignment results in a translation memory, making it impossible to correct the links later.

Not being able to establish whether it's worth aligning, i.e. how many segments will the translatable material and the alignment material have in common.

LiveAlign shifts the alignment process into the translation process and enables you to get results even if you don't do manual alignment. With LiveAlign you can immediately reuse the correctly aligned segments in your translation, and if the alignment is not correct, you can fix it on the fly. This way your LiveAlign document pairs will become better and better, and you don't spend time aligning segments you will not use again.

LiveAlign document pairs can be imported on the LiveDocs pane of Project home, by clicking Add alignment pairs, and Link documents. LiveAlign document pairs are immediately used for matching after import. You can edit the document pair by clicking View/Edit on the LiveDocs ribbon tab or by right-clicking on a LiveAlign match in the Translation results pane.