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memoQ's project manager edition can create project packages that you can share with your vendors. You can set up a bilingual or multilingual project, and assign the documents to different vendors.

Vendors can be individual translators or language service providers. You create handoff packages for them, let them work, and receive the delivery packages. memoQ tracks all handoff and delivery packages. memoQ can also create different packages when the client – who purchases the translation – changes the translation task. Suppose your client tells you there is no more need to translate a document into a certain language, or your translator realizes she cannot meet the deadline. In this situation, you can simply remove the document from the project, or reassign it to another translator. memoQ will create new handoff packages: one to remove the document, and another that contains the document for the newly assigned user.

With memoQ's offline project management functionality:

you do not have to keep a register of document assignments outside memoQ,

you do not have to worry that translators set up their working environments differently,

you do not face difficulties if the project's scope changes,

it is transparent who received the translation project package and who delivered the individual files,

you can manage the complete workflow, including review,

you can have an overview of who translated what,

you can work not only with documents but also with views,

you can make sure that everything is translated and nothing is translated twice,

you can allow your translators to work in translation tools other than memoQ, providing full interoperability.

Topics in this section

The topics in this section explain how to...

Create a project with multiple target languages

Assign documents to team members and hand off jobs

Receive deliveries

Make changes to the project along the way

Track progress along the way