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You manage an online project through the memoQ online project window. This window is very similar to the Project home tab, which you use to work with local projects.

Note: If you are accessing the memoQ online project window as a subvendor group manager, you will see a restricted view where you can use the Overview and the Translations panes only. Click here to view the topic on the restricted view of the memoQ online project window.

How to begin

Open an online project for management: From the Project menu, choose Manage projects... In the Manage projects dialog, select the project you want to manage, and click the Manage command link below the list.

Launching the (notification chain of the) project

If you want memoQ server to start sending e-mail notifications to the participants of the project, click the Launch project icon at the upper-left corner of the memoQ online project window. This displays the Launch project dialog: once you click OK in this dialog, memoQ server sends the initial e-mail to the participants with information on accessing the online project.

This also starts a notification chain: when there is a change in the workflow status of a document, memoQ server sends further e-mail notifications to the participants and the project manager according to the Communication settings that you can set up in the Settings  pane of the memoQ online project window.

Once the project is launched, the Launch project icon becomes like this:

Viewing the documents in the project: checking out the local copy

You can not edit or view documents in the memoQ online project window by double-clicking the document in the Translations pane. You need to check out a local copy of the project to do this. In the memoQ online project window, you can click the Check out icon (below the Launch project icon) to check out and open a local copy of the project you are managing.

If you click the above icon, memoQ will ask for confirmation, and then check out the project for you. memoQ also opens the local copy in the Project home tab.

If the local copy of the same project is open when you start managing the project, the Check out icon looks like this:

If this is the case, the icon is inactive. You need to close the memoQ online project window to return to the Project home tab where the contents of the same project are shown. (Make sure you refresh the documents there, so that you are viewing the most up-to-date version.)

If the local copy of the project is not open, but it was checked out previously, the icon looks like this:

If you click this icon, memoQ does not check out the project again, but opens and refreshes the existing local copy. The memoQ online project window is closed before the local copy opens.

Making changes to the online project

On the various tabs of the memoQ online project dialog, you can make changes to the project you are managing. Note that the changes happen on the memoQ server, and not on your computer. In addition, more than one users can make changes to the project at the same time.

The memoQ online project dialog includes two buttons to control when changes are uploaded to the server, or downloaded from it:


This button can be red/orange or green. If it is red, there are changes that were not saved to the server. In this case, it is recommended to click this button to make sure all changes are saved. If you close the memoQ online project dialog while this button is red/orange, memoQ will prompt you to save or dismiss the most recent changes you made to the online project. For example, if you add new documents to the project, memoQ does not upload them automatically. You can add many documents, and then click this button, so that the documents are uploaded in one go, and you are not held up – as you would be if memoQ were to upload each document individually.


Click this button to refresh the contents of the online project from the server. This is necessary if more than one project managers are working on the same project at the same time. If another project manager made a change to the project, you need to click this button to see what the change was.

Caution: When you click this button, you will lose all unsaved changes. In other words, if the tick mark button is red/orange, and you click the refresh button, you will lose all recent changes to the project.

Categories in the memoQ online projects dialog

The memoQ online projects dialog includes the same panes as in Project home:




Packages (only in online projects)


Translation memories

Term bases


History (only in online projects, in local projects)

Reports (in local projects, Reports can be found in Overview > Reports)


To exit the memoQ online project dialog, click the Close () button in the top right corner.