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Use this dialog to control how memoQ imports Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2007, 2010 or Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2013 (PPTX) presentations.

How to begin

In the Translations pane of Project home, choose Import > Import with options button on the Documents ribbon tab, and in the Open dialog, locate and select a Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2007, 2010 or 2013 file (with the *.pptx extension).


Import master slides: Check this check box to import not only the actual slides appearing on the screen, but also the slide master, which means that the slide master elements of any slides added later will already be localized.

Import notes: Check this check box to import all notes from the slides.

Import soft breaks as inline tags: Check this check box to import soft breaks as inline tags.

Import markup as inline tags: Choose this radio button to import formatting as XML-like formatting tags. This option will give you some insight into the nature of each formatting tag.

Import markup as memoQ {tags}: Choose this radio button to import formatting as traditional memoQ {tags}. This will show tag numbers instead of tag contents, but the text itself might be easier to read in some cases.

If you import a Microsoft® PowerPoint® 2007 or higher presentation without invoking this dialog (Import with options), memoQ will not import the slide master, but it will import the notes. The markups are imported as XML-like inline tags by default.

Note: When you import a PPTX file from MS Office 2013, you will have no preview for PPTX files in memoQ. If you have MS Office 2007 or 2010 installed, you do get a preview for your PPTX file.

Note: Notes can be put in PowerPoint to each slide. Notes are imported after the slides contents. This also applies for master slides.