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Multi-column RTF tables are Rich Text Format documents that contain one or more memoQ documents. The multi-column table format is ideal for reviewing or editing translations outside memoQ – in any RTF-compatible word processor.

Multi-column RTF documents are difficult to damage: memoQ can almost always import or update existing documents from such files. This format overcomes a major drawback of the Trados-compatible bilingual document format: in RTF tables, there are no markers that can be accidentally deleted, making the file unusable as a result.

Anatomy of an RTF table


By default, a row of the RTF table looks like this:


Segment number and numeric identifier (in cryptic script)

Source text

Target text


Segment status and match rate


There are settings to omit the Comment and Segment status columns. In addition, a second Target text column can be exported, either with the target text twice, or with an empty second target column.

Both the Source text and Target text cells can contain formatting tags or inline tags. By default, memoQ formats these tags with the mqInternal style.

Exporting an RTF table from memoQ

You can export any document or view from your  memoQ projects using the Export bilingual button on the Project ribbon tab. On the Project ribbon tab, the Bilingual export wizard also offers multi-column RTF tables as a document type. Refer to the Help page on the Bilingual export wizard for more details.

Processing a multi-column RTF table outside memoQ

Use any RTF-compatible word processor to edit the RTF document outside memoQ. The recommended word processor is Microsoft Office Word 2003 or higher; these have been tested thoroughly.

When editing the document, it is recommended that changes be made to the Target text column only. If there are two Target text columns, make changes to the cells in the second column.

Although it is not recommended, you can modify the text in the Source text column if absolutely necessary. In this case, when you update the memoQ project from the RTF document, these segments are skipped.

You can also edit the cells in the Comment column. When importing the RTF document or using it to update your memoQ project, comments added or modified in the RTF document will be imported into memoQ.

Importing the RTF table into your memoQ project

Every RTF table starts with a row that identifies the document. In memoQ, each document has a numeric identifier called the globally unique identifier (GUID). No two GUIDs in the world are supposed to be identical, at any given time.

When importing a multi-column RTF table into memoQ, the program matches the numeric ID in the RTF table to the documents in your memoQ project. If it finds a matching document, it will offer to update it. memoQ uses the numeric identifiers (the GUIDs), rather than the document names, to match documents.

Note: memoQ can include multiple documents from your project in a single multi-column RTF document. In the RTF table, each document from your project is indicated by a row with the numeric identifier of the document.