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You can import content from multiple-column formats including Excel sheets, CSV and text files with comma or tab-separated values.

Use this dialog to control how multilingual delimited files can be imported into memoQ. With this filter, you can import content from multiple columns into the project's source language as well as its target languages. You can also export multiple target languages in a single operation, into a single output file (if you have the project manager edition).

How to begin

In the Translations pane of Project home, choose Import > Import with options button on the Documents ribbon tab, and in the Open dialog, locate and select a multilingual Excel or CSV file.


Base format: Excel or CSV/tab-separated


Dealing with columns


Click OK to proceed with the import. Click Cancel to leave the dialog without importing the selected file or files.

Note: If a cell marked as source text only contains whitespaces, it is skipped on import into your memoQ project.

Note: If the main language of the current project’s source language is different from the source main language defined in the filter, you get a red error during import and no content is imported. In the Simple bilingual configuration in the filter is language-insensitive.


After you import the file, the preview in memoQ looks like this:

Note: The import of multilingual CSV/Excel files into a corpus is not supported.

If you export your multilingual delimited text file as memoQ XLIFF, the skeleton and preview of this document for the selected target language is exported.

You can also use this filter in a filter chain e.g. with the Regex Tagger and the HTML filter. If the multilingual delimited text filter is the last filter in your filter chain, then the filter replaces all newlines and tabs with the <mq_ch/> inline tags.