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Muses help you to speed up your translations: Muses suggest phrases from Translation Memories and LiveDocs in your predictive typing.

How to begin

On the Project home tab (only available if you have a project open in memoQ), click the Muses icon on the left. The Muses ribbon tab appears.

Muses actions

Use the Muses ribbon tab to manage Muses in the local project. Muses are not available in online projects, but in checked out online projects. The following buttons are available:

Muse section:

Create/Use New: Displays the appropriate dialog to create a new Muse.

Properties: Displays the appropriate dialog to view or change the properties of the selected Muse.

Delete: Deletes the selected Muse. memoQ asks for confirmation before executing the command.


Content section:

Import: Opens the Open dialog where you can navigate to a Muse file, and import the contents of a Muse (*.mqm file format).

Export: Opens the Save as dialog where you can navigate to a location where you want to export the Muse file to (*.mqm file format, then click Save to export the Muse to the specified location.

Retrain: After you trained a Muse, you can retrain it, for example when you have updated your TMs and want to use the latest TM contents in your Muse.