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Export paths define a naming convention. Export path rules are crucial in the following situations:

In complex multi-file projects where files are stored in different folders (often embedded into each other), and your customer expects you to put the target language code into every target file's name.

When your customer wants you to simply use the same name but store the data in a different folder.

Your customer expects you to create a new folder under the original folder with the target language code.

An export path rule defines a conversion between the name and location of an import file (i.e. C:\memoQ localization\Export_path_rules.xml) and the desired name and location of the files you export after translation (e.g. C:\memoQ localization\Export_path_rules_fr.xml). When you have 500 files in a project, you will truly appreciate the power of this tool.


Export path rule example:


The above export path rule specifies:

the absolute base path of the original file including the drive letter

the name of the output folder to be created when you export the files in stored path (mqWeb_6_2_translated in this example)

the relative path which does not contain a drive letter

the specification or the file extension or not, in this example the original file name with no ISO language code extension


See also:

Edit export path rules (dialog)

Relative export path

Set the output folder and file name for exporting documents