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Permissions for translation memories, LiveDocs corpora, and term bases

The memoQ server uses permissions to control who can do what with which resource. Permissions can be granted for accessing translation memories, LiveDocs corpora and term bases. Light resources also have a permission system.

The memoQ server has a database where each published translation memory, LiveDocs corpus and term base is listed. With each translation memory, LiveDocs and term base, memoQ lists the users who can access these resources. Next to each user idenifier, memoQ server also indicates the operations the user can perform with the term base.

Here is an example:


These are the default permissions as assigned to a newly published term base. Note that only the built-in groups receive permissions automatically, individual users and other groups do not.

Members of the Administrators group receive the Admin permission;

Members of the Project managers group receive the Update permission;

Members of the Terminologists group receive the Review permission;

Members of the Internal Translators group receive the Update permission.

Here is what each permission means:

Admin: if you have Admin permission over a term base, you can look up terms, add new terms, edit the term base, approve or reject changes in a moderated term base, change permissions over the term base, and delete it.

Review: if you have Review permission, you can look up terms, add new terms, edit the term base, approve or reject changes in a moderated term base. You cannot change permissions over the term base.

Update: if you have Update permission, you can look up terms, and add new terms. You cannot edit the term base or approve or reject changes in a moderated term base.

Lookup: if you have Lookup permission, all you can do is look up terms. You cannot add new terms or edit the term base. Neither can you approve or reject changes, or change permissions.

Mass lookup (LiveDocs only): Mass lookup is for statistics and pre-translation. You can get individual lookup results while translating, but without this permission the corpora is not used in statistics or pre-translation.

Permissions for translation memories:

Members of the Administrators group receive the Admin permission;

Members of the Project managers group receive the Admin permission;

Members of the Terminologists group receive the Admin permission;

Members of Translators group receive the Update permission.

Description of each permission for translation memories:

Admin: if you have Admin permission over a translation memory, you can look up translation units, add (commit) new translation units, edit the translation memory, change permissions over the translation memory, and delete it.

Update: if you have Update permission, you can look up translation units, and add (commit) new translation units. You cannot edit the translation memory.

Lookup: if you have Lookup permission, all you can do is look up translation units. You cannot add (commit) new translation units or edit the translation memory. Neither can you approve or reject changes, or change permissions.

If you are member of two or more groups, and more than one groups have permission over a resource, you receive the most generous permission. If, in the above example, you are member of both the Administrators and the Translators group, your permission is Admin.

If you are not member of any groups in the list, and your name is not listed either, you have no access to the resource. In this case, it is not enough to have access to the server itself (with a user name and a password).

To set permissions over a translation memory, open the Resource console (on the Quick Access Toolbar), right-click the name of the translation memory, then choose Set permissions. The Permissions dialog appears.

To set permissions over a term base, open the Resource console (from the Tools menu), right-click the name of the term base, then choose Set permissions. The Permissions dialog appears.


See also:

Knowledge Base on TM user permissions in online projects

The webinar on permissions