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SDLXLIFF is a SDL bilingual file format which is created in SDL Trados Studio. In order to import SDLXLIFF files into memoQ, they need to be prepared in Trados Studio:

In Trados Studio, open the project and click Files in the left hand vertical menu. Make sure the project source language is active.

In the File menu, click Add files to add the document(s).

In the document list, select the document(s) you have added in the previous steps.

In the File menu, go to Batch tasks, and select Prepare to create the document files for the target language(s).

Click Files in the left hand vertical menu, and switch to the target language. (Or the first target language you want process if the project is a multilingual one.)

In the document list, right-click one of the documents, and choose Explore Containing Folder. This will open the folder that contains the *.sdlxliff file(s) you will process in memoQ.

Navigate to the SDLXLIFF file(s) names you would like to process in memoQ, and copy those  SDLXLIFF file(s) to another location.

If there is more than one target language, repeat the steps for the additional target languages.

Import the SDLXLIFF files into your memoQ project, choose Import > Import with options on the Documents ribbon tab.


After the translation in memoQ is complete, you need to update the Trados Studio document(s)

Make sure you do not have the affected document(s) open in Trados Studio.

Navigate to the location where the document(s) originally resided. In the document list, right-click one of the documents, and choose Explore Containing Folder. This will open the folder that contains the "original" versions of the SDLXLIFF file(s) you have processed in memoQ.

Overwrite the SDLXLIFF file(s) with the "new" versions you have created using memoQ.

Open the document(s) in Trados Studio for editing. Do a test export to the final format to verify that the process was successful.


See also: