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Change the Dashboard view to show more project information or to hide information. When you are in the Project list view (first screenshot), click the Two rows view button () to display the source and target language(s) for your projects (second screenshot).

Project list view

Two rows project list view (when you click the Two rows view button)


Alert column: This column shows a triangle if there is an alert for your project, e.g. missed deadline. The column is only visible for online projects (when you are connected to a memoQ server).

Type column: This column shows the project type (local, online, checked out project, package, LT).

Name column: This column shows the project name.

Size column: This column shows the size of a project. The size can be based on words, segments or characters. You can choose in right clicking in the Dashboard, then choose Base progress on, and select Chars, Segments or Words. The selected option is applied for all projects.

Status column: This column shows the project status. For online projects, the workflow status is shown (Not started, Translation not started, Translation in progress, Review 1 not started, Review 1 in progress, Review 2 not started, Review 2 in progress, Completed). If you are working in a local project, the progress-based status is shown.

Export column: This column is visible if the project contains a documents to export information type alert. A red rectangle appears (e.g. the workflow status for this project is set to Completed). You can also click the Details button for this project, and see which documents are ready for export. If documents are ready for export, click the Export icon (). See Alerts for further information.

Progress column: This column shows the project progress. Gray is not started (no progress). Darker green means Translation started or completed. Hover over the progress bar for a project to see the progress percentage. Light green means Review 1 started or completed. Hover over the progress bar for a project to see the progress percentage. A completed project gets a full light green color. When you hover over the progress bar, all roles will show 100%. The Status column then also indicates a double check mark. If only the Translation phase is finished, then the Status column shows only one check mark. If translation is in progress, the Status column shows an editing icon. A question mark icon in the Status column indicates that the project has not been started yet, no workflow phase was reached. See Dashboard icons.

When you are in the Two rows view, the meta-information (Project, Client, Domain, Subject) is displayed:

oSubject: Specifies subject field information.

oDomain: Here you can refine the subject field if necessary.

oClient: Name of the client that the project or resource was created for.

oProject: Project identifier.

You cannot edit these fields here. You define them when you create a project. Use the Sort by drop-down list to filter for specific meta-information in projects, e.g. sort your Dashboard by client.

Deadline column: This column shows the final deadline for a project. If for example only the Translator role was assigned and no Reviewer role, then the translation deadline is the overall deadline.

Languages column: This column shows the source language listed as first language, followed by the target languages (listed in alphabetical order) for a project.

Created column: This column shows the creation date of a project.

Last accessed column: This column shows the date when a project was last accessed. The column is only visible for local projects.

Commands column:

Local project:

Online project:

oManage project

oCheck out project

oWrap up project

oArchive project

oOpen project

oBack up project

oRename project

oArchive project

See the Project ribbon tab for details on each command.

Note: memoQ, by default, restricts the projects shown to those which are no older than 30 days. This is defined by the last deadline for any document in the project. In order to show older projects you need to choose All projects from the common filters list. If you choose Active projects, then older projects are not shown in the project list.


Click a project name once to select this project. When you click the Details or Alerts buttons (in an online project in the project manager edition of memoQ), then you see further project information. When you hover over a project, you can choose a command from the Commands column.

Double-click a project name to open the project. memoQ will open local projects in Project home. Online projects will be displayed in the memoQ online project window.

Use the keyboard to navigate: Press Enter to open a selected project. Use the up and down arrows on your keyboard to navigate up and down the project list. Enter a letter on the keyboard to jump to the first project starting with this letter (only if the project list is sorted by project name).