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Using the Query TM Repository wizard, you can create a new translation memory on a memoQ server by querying a TM Repository store. The Query TM Repository wizard will use the meta-information of your project – and the descriptive fields you specify – to retrieve specific translation units from the TM Repository store, and create the new translation memory from them.

Before you can use the Query TM Repository wizard, you need to select a memoQ server in the Server URL box in the Resource console that is connected to a TM Repository server. To connect your memoQ server to a TM Repository server, use the TM Repository category of the Server Administrator.


How to begin

Start querying the TM Repository from the Translation memories pane of the memoQ online project dialog and from the Resource console as well. If you are using the memoQ online project dialog, the online project must be stored on a server that is connected to a TM Repository server. In the Resource console, you need to choose a suitable memoQ server in the Server URL box. Under the list of translation memories, click Query Repository. Alternatively, you can right-click the list of translation memories, and choose Query Repository from the popup menu.

Step 1: Name the new TM and select languages

Step 2: Fill in query properties

Alternate Step 2: Fill in query properties by selecting or creating a custom query in TM Repository

Step 3: Set TM properties

Starting to use the new translation memory


You can always cancel the query by clicking Cancel in any wizard page.

Click Back to return to the previous wizard page and change settings.

Click Next to proceed to the next wizard page after you fill in all necessary settings.

In the last wizard page, click Finish to start the query.