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Replace assigned users in online projects. This might be the case when one of your translators gets ill and you need to assign another translator to the assigned roles of your ill translator.

Important: You cannot apply this feature for sliced documents, FirstAccept, GroupSourcing, or Subvendor assignments. However, a subvendor can reassign one of the subvendor group users from the subvendors point of view where the project behaves as a regular online project with individual user assignments. This feature also does not work with an automatic division of work (e.g. equal work load division based on weighted or non-weighted word counts). Replacing users only works for single user assignments.

How to begin

On the Project ribbon tab, select your memoQ server. Only when you are connected to your memoQ server, the Reassign command is visible on the Project ribbon tab. The command is located in the memoQ Server section, below the Manage logins command.

Note: This command can only be applied for online projects where you are the project manager or when you are an administrator for this memoQ server.

Select the project(s) in the Dashboard where you would like to reassign a user. Click the Reassign command to open the Reassign work wizard.

In the first step of this wizard, select the user whose work you would like to reassign. Click the Show all users to show all users from all projects. Otherwise, only the users of the selected projects are shown.

If your user list is long, filter by name. Enter an user name in the Filter by name field, then press enter to filter the user list for this particular user. The search is not case sensitive; multiple search words are interpreted as parts of the same user name (e.g. first name, last name). For example you type "T" in the search field, you will get all users with a T. If you enter "Th", you will get a list with all users containing a T and H in their first and last name.

Select the user whose work you need to reassign. You can only select one user.

Click Next >.

In the second step of this wizard, choose a role and the project you want to reassign to another user. The project list only lists projects for which the following 2 conditions are met:

1. The user has a role in the project (translator, reviewer 1, reviewer 2) or the user is the project manager of this project.

2. The project has not been fully delivered in all applicable roles.

All projects, in which the selected user has a role, are listed:

If the selected user is not assigned in a role to any project, that role is omitted from the list, for example, the user is not a project manager for any project, then the project manager role is not listed.

Check the check box for a user role, then check the check boxes for all the projects where you want to reassign the user.

Click Next >. Click < Back to go back to step one for selecting a different user. Click Cancel to cancel the user replacement.

In the third step of the wizard, select the new user for all selected projects in the previous step.

You will get a list with all available eligible users to whom the selected projects can be assigned. Eligible means Language Terminal users and all memoQ server users who match the language combination. This list contains only single users, no subvendors, FirstAccept or GroupSourcing.

Use the language filter options. Select a source language from the Source language drop-down list. Select a target language from the Target language drop-down list. Filter the user list by name. The filter options are the same as in step 1.

Click Next >. Click < Back to go back to step two for selecting different roles and projects. Click Cancel to cancel the user replacement.

In the fourth step of the wizard, reassign a user. You get a summary for the selected user to be replaced, the user name for the new user, all roles and projects you are about to replace a user.

Click Reassign to reassign the indicated user roles and projects with the new user. If a replacement fails, memoQ will display a message in the progress window. Click Cancel to cancel the user replacement.

Example scenario: Assigning user A's work to user B

When clicking the Reassign button, then

every document and slice currently assigned to user A is assigned to user B with the same roles and the same deadlines;

user A stays as an user in the project (i.e. has access rights, is the PM and assigned as reviewer 2);

user B might need to be added to the project, then user B inherits the permissions of user A;

user A will be removed from the People pane of the project (this also prevents auto-assignment and that this user gets documents assigned by accident).

If user A was assigned in GroupSourcing, then user A is replaced in the GroupSourcing assignment if user B is not already assigned in this GroupSourcing assignment.

If user A is assigned as part of an unaccepted FirstAccept process, then user A is replaced with user B in the FirstAccept assignment if user B is not already assigned for this FirstAccept process. User B can accept or decline the document that is up for FirstAccept.

Assignment changes will trigger e-mail notifications as usual.