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The Term base maintenance & repair wizard enables you to repair a corrupted term base. Repairing means re-indexing a term base in cases when there was a modifying operation that failed but the damage is not irreversible. Use this function if your term base does not perform as expected, especially after a computer crash or a similar, possibly damaging, event.

Note: Even though this feature does not guarantee complete recovery of data in all cases, it is definitely worth trying.

Warning: Never use a term base that is potentially corrupted as this might lead to unforeseen consequences. If you are not sure whether your term base is healthy, run the repair function anyway. This process has no side effects and applying the repair function to a term base in good shape will not have any negative impact.

The wizard is a sequence of three dialogs, each representing one step in the repair process.

How to begin

Open the Resource console (in the Application menu). On the left, click the Term bases icon. Alternatively, open a project where you are using the term base, and in Project home, click Term bases. The Term bases pane appears. Select the term base to repair, then click the Repair resource link.

Step 1

This dialog informs you about the health status of your term base, the required actions and the possible consequences of these actions.

Click Continue >> to proceed to the next step. Click Cancel to exit the wizard without making changes to the term base.

Step 2

In Step 2, memoQ attempts to extract data from the term base, copying all entries from the term base file, and then re-indexing them. Once the process is complete, the results are displayed.

Click Continue >> to proceed to the next step. You cannot cancel the process at this point.

Note: Even in the unlikely event that memoQ does not manage to extract all entries from the original term base, it is usually worth continuing and completing the repair process. Some of the data will be salvaged in all cases.

Step 3

In the last step, you can decide whether or not to keep the backup copy made of the corrupted term base. If errors occur during the repair process, memoQ will keep the backup copy regardless of the setting in this dialog.

Keep backup of the original term base before the repair: Check this check box to keep the backup copy of the original term base.

Finish: Click this button to leave the wizard. You should now check the results of the repair process by trying to use the repaired term base and/or look at its contents using the term base edit view. If everything seems to be in order, you can delete the backup copy of the original term base.


While progressing through the wizard, click Continue >> to move on to the next step or click Cancel to exit the wizard, interrupting the term base repair process. You will be returned to the dialog from where you activated this function. The Finish button in the last step will close the wizard after the repair is completed.