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When you work on a document in an online project, it is good to know that others can also work on the same document at the same time. This means that someone else can also change a document that you have in a local copy on your computer.

In an online project, you can manually download the changes made by others: in the Translations pane of Project home, choose Synchronize Project on the Documents ribbon tab. If your project is on auto save on the server, then synchronization happens automatically.

memoQ downloads the newest version of the document or synchronizes the project. During the download, memoQ will encounter segments that were changed by others. memoQ updates your copy of the document with these changes, but it also marks the changed segments with a change mark. There are two types of change marks:

: This marks a change in the segment that was made by someone else. Whatever text you had in this segment is gone, and it is replaced by the text written by the other user.

: This marks a change in the segment that was made by you, and was saved to the server. This indicates that the segment was changed by someone else, but that change was overwritten by your version of the text. Click this mark to invoke the Resolve conflicts dialog:


If you choose the current (server) version, memoQ will remove the change marks, and the segment is not treated as conflicted any more. If you choose the old version (the one that was overwritten during the conflict resolution), the segment content will be replaced and the conflict mark removed. You will need to confirm the segment manually. If you click Resolve changes and conflicts, memoQ will invoke the Resolve changes and conflicts dialog. If you choose Clear Change Marks on the Preparation ribbon tab, memoQ will invoke the Clear change marks dialog.

On the Review changes and conflicts tab, you can skim through those segments that are marked by either of those change marks, and make adjustments to your copy of the document as necessary.

How to begin

On the Preparation ribbon tab, choose Changes And Conflicts > Review Changes And Conflicts. The Review conflict and change marks dialog appears. Choose the scope for the operation, and click OK. memoQ displays the Review changes and conflicts tab.


The lower part of the tab lists the segments with change marks. It shows the type (direction) of the change, the document name, the row number, and the segment text. In the last column, there is a Dismiss check box for each segment. If you want to clear the change mark from a segment, tick the corresponding check box in the Dismiss column.

When you select a row in the lower part, the segment appears at the top of the Review changes and conflicts tab. You can edit the segment the same way as in the translation grid. On the other hand, you cannot access the translation memories and the term bases from this tab.

In addition to the usual commands, the following options are also available on the Review changes and conflicts tab:

Press Ctrl+Up arrow to move one row up in the lower part (in the segment list). Alternatively, you can click the Move to previous item link at the top of the tab.

Press Ctrl+Down arrow to move one row down in the lower part (in the segment list). Alternatively, you can click the Move to next item link at the top of the tab.

Click the Dismiss and move to next link to clear the change mark from the highlighted segment, and move to the next segment in the list.

Click the Dismiss all link to clear the change marks from all segments in the Review changes and conflicts tab.

Press Ctrl+Enter or click the Confirm link to confirm the current segment, and save the translation to the primary translation memory in the project.

Press Ctrl+Shift+Enter or click the Confirm without update link to confirm the current segment without saving the translation to the primary translation memory.

Click Refresh data to reload the contents of the Review changes and conflicts tab. You might need to do this if you synchronized the affected document or documents while this tab was open.

You can also hover over a conflict mark in a segment, a popup appears to the right of the current segment. It explains the conflict issue and offers you to choose between the current segment (the one which is at the server copy of the document) and the one which was lost (that is, the old segment from your copy). You are not able to edit the segment. You can choose two commands: Open Resolve changes and conflicts, which opens the Resolve changes and conflicts tab, and Clear all change marks, which clears all change marks in the document, without you reviewing them one by one. When you move  the mouse out of the popup’s area, the popup window disappears.


You can navigate the list using the mouse or the keyboard.

Move to previous item: Moves up in the list. Key shortcut: Ctrl+Up arrow.

Move to next item: Moves down in the list. Key shortcut: Ctrl+Down arrow.