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Performance counters are used to measure the performance of memoQ server instances within your company's infrastructure.

How to begin

On the Project ribbon tab, choose Server Administrator. In the Connection pane, connect to the server you want to manage. Then, in the Category list, click Performance counters.


Click the Refresh link on the Summary tab to update the counters in the list. You need to enable the Performance measurement is enabled check box.

On the Details tab, you find detailed information for the following real-time data:

currently logged in users from a memoQ client and / or via memoQWeb

currently loaded TMs and term bases

corrupt TMs

currently loaded corpus indexes

currently loaded online documents

memory usage

total KB of data used on the hard drive

total size of data base and data base log file (if available through SQL server)


Data is logged on a daily basis (once per day), the following is logged:

a list of all existing projects

a list of documents that were imported

a list of documents that were exported

number of different users that logged in at least once during the day

number of differnt users that did not log in during the day

number of different TMs, term bases and LiveDocs corpora indexes that were loaded at least once during the day

entry count and disk size of each TM and term bases that was loaded at least once during the day

entry count and disk size of each TM and term base that was not loaded during the day

document count (total indexed entry count) of each corpus that was loaded during the day

document count (total indexed entry count) of each corpus that was not loaded during the day

Note: The information is memoQ server specific.

Kilgray can process the performance logs and evaluate them for you. Contact support@kilgray.com to learn more about performance counters.

Note: When you use a subvendor, the performance counters show the number of users in each group while hiding their user names.


Click Close to close the Server administrator dialog.