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The server configuration consists of miscellaneous items. This topic describes those that appear in the Configuration and logging category of the Server administrator. If you need to change other options such as the TCP port number where the memoQ server is listening, please contact memoQ Support.

File paths and logging

Online project files: the memoQ server stores files for online projects in a specific folder in the file system. This folder is within the C:\Documents and Settings or C:\Users structure. You might need to move this folder to a different location such as another disk with more free space or with proper redundancy (mirroring or striping).

Log files: the memoQ server writes entries to human-readable log files when specific events happen. You can control how detailed the logging is. With the Verbose logging level, the log files grow rapidly, and become very large because the memoQ server creates a log entry for practically each query operation. Since the log files are also stored under C:\Documents and Settings or C:\Users by default (depending on your operating system), it is a good idea to move the log file folder to another disk or partition that has sufficient free space.

It is always recommended to move data files away from the partition where system files are stored. This has the following benefits:

1.It is easier to back up specific data files.

2.The operating system can be repaired or re-installed without affecting the data files.

Server addresses

The memoQ server stores two addresses: the Client connect address 1, and the Intranet address (optional). The Client connect address 1 is an Internet address (or URL) to access your memoQ server from outside your company: the server sends this to memoQ clients when they are checking out an online project. This address tells the clients how to connect to the server. The Intranet address is optional. You can use this address to access your memoQ server from inside your company network.

The Server address is another Internet address. This is how Kilgray's central activation server knows your memoQ server. It becomes important when you are using mobile licenses.

Important: For a detailed description of the mobile licenses, see the memoQ enterprise license management guide, available from the Kilgray website.

Important: For a detailed description of CAL licensing, see the memoQ CAL guide for LSPs, available from the Kilgray website.


You can control how many translation memory hits are returned to the memoQ clients with each translation memory lookup. The default value is 5. The less hits are returned, the less the network payload is; that is, the amount of data to send back to the client is smaller, and it gets there quicker. On the other hand, if too few hits are returned, the translators might miss important information from the resources, and thus lose leverage.

E-mail settings

You can set up a mail server for the memoQ server, so that it will be able to send e-mail messages. You can set up an SMTP server with authentication (user name and password) if necessary, and you can also turn on SSL for e-mail communication.

The memoQ server sends e-mails on various occasions: when there is an event concerning the mobile licenses, or when the translation or review of a document in an online project is complete. memoQ server can send e-mails only if the SMTP server is configured properly. You can also configure e-mail templates.