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If you have the appropriate permissions, you can move resources between your local computer and the server.

Removing remote resources from the server

If you want to remove a remote resource from the server (and you have the permissions to do so), you can do that from the Resource console. Select the remote resource and click Remove from server. You can only remove published resources, if you see a icon in the third column of the list, click on it to publish it.

When you are removing a remote resource from the server, you can change its name or description or its local path.

Sharing local resources on the server

If you have a local resource that you would like to share on the server, you can do that from the Resource console. Select the resource and click Share on server. You may want to publish the resource on the server under a different name. If you enable Keep the local resource after sharing successfully option, the local copy will be kept, otherwise it is automatically deleted.


You can apply different permissions to remote resources. Click here for more information on permissions.  If you want to remove a remote resource from the server for local editing and republish it later, you can restore the permissions configured before. Enable or apply new permissions after clicking Share on server. Select a permission, right-click it and select Set permissions.

Background tasks

memoQ does not make you wait until a remote resource is downloaded or a local resource is uploaded. Such operations can take in the background. The resources are available once the task has finished. Go to the Application menu, then choose Open Background Tasks to see the progress of background operations.