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Use this dialog to assign users or groups to selected documents in an online project. You can assign users to a single user or multiple users for translation. For reviewing, you need to choose from the users assigned to the project.

See also: This topic is about assigning a single user to the selected documents. For other workflow scenarios, see the following topics:

To assign multiple users, but give the task to the first accepting user: FirstAccept

To assign multiple users, and have all of them work on the documents: GroupSourcing

To divide one large document among several users: Slicing

To assign the documents to another organization: Subvendor group

Note: If you work as a subvendor group manager, you cannot assign documents to yet another subvendor organization. In this case, the Assign to a subvendor radio button is not available.

No subvendor assignment for sliced documents: If a project contains sliced documents, the document slices cannot be assigned to subvendors.

How to begin

1.Create an online project.

2.Assign users to the project. Go to the People pane. Click the Add user button. Select the users or a group, then click OK. The users are now listed in the People pane on the Project users tab.

3.Assign multiple users to a document. Go to the Translations pane, select a document, then right-click the document, select Assign. The Assign selected documents to users dialog appears.

4. Make sure that you have the Assign to users per workflow step radio button enabled. Choose Assign to a user of this organization.

5. The Change assigned translator check box must be checked. Then choose a Deadline. Click the calendar icon, and click a date to choose a deadline. The given deadline will appear in the drop-down list as selected.

Or check the Use calculated deadline check box, and then click the Calculate method... link. Depending on the hours you choose from the Translator, Reviewer 1 and Reviewer 2 drop-down lists, memoQ automatically calculates deadlines.

If you choose the Calculate hours from daily capacity (words per day) radio button, you need to enter a number for what the translator is able to translate per day. For example 2500 words, but this depends on the subject. Click OK to apply the automatic word count calculation.

6. You can select a Single user, FirstAccept or GroupSourcing or Distribute documents. Choose Single user.

7. In the Users section, select a user or several or a user group. If you choose a group, then all members of this group are added to your project.

In the Show these users section, check the memoQ server check box to only display the users on the memoQ server. Click the Create new user link to open the User properties dialog to create a new user on the memoQ server. Check the Language Terminal check box to display users from your Language Terminal account. This check box is disabled if you have not registered in Language Terminal. Assign memoQ users () and Language Terminal users () to your documents.

Use the Filter users section to filter users either by project source language and its target languages as language pair (sublanguages included, except for Chinese) or by text. If you search by text, enter text in the text field below the check box. memoQ searches not only the user name, but also the full name, the description of the users/groups.

Note: Click the Sort selected items to top link to list the selected users on top. Click the Clear selection link to remove the user selection for the document. Click the Project users radio button to only see the users assigned to the project.

8. Assign the Reviewer 1 and Reviewer 2 roles for the project. The Change assigned reviewer 1 and Change assigned reviewer 2 check boxes are enabled by default. Choose the users from the drop-down lists and assign them to the roles. After you assigned the reviewer, specify a Deadline. Click the calendar icon, and click a date to choose a deadline. The given deadline will appear under the assigned user in the drop-down list.

Note: To assign reviewers to the project, first you need to add the users to the online project. To do this, you need to use the People pane of the memoQ online project window.

9. Click OK to assign the users to the document. Click Cancel to cancel the user assignment.


Use the Reviewer 1 and Reviewer 2 tabs to assign the reviewers to your project. You can use a single user, FirstAccept or GroupSourcing. You can also apply the automatic deadline calculation.



The assigned users check out the online project and work on it the classical way. You can assign single users to projects but also use FirstAccept and GroupSourcing within the same project and within the same language combination for this project.

When you assign several files to the same user at the same time, their word count is added up, and the deadline for all of them calculated from that. For instance 100 files of 100 words each count as 10.000 words. The same applies for FirstAccept: when several files in the same target language and role are marked as FirstAccept, their word counts are added up.

See also:

Use Project management features

Managing users and groups