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When you talk about statistics, in most cases you talk about money. Statistics is the way to quantify the productivity enhancement of using memoQ. The better you can estimate your cost or time requirements for a given job, the more competitive you can be on the market. memoQ includes enhanced statistics – the ability to set different options enables you to estimate your human resource costs more precisely, and thus have a bigger section of freedom in pricing your services than the users of competitive products.

CAT tools use statistical language processing to calculate the similarity of two segments. It is a generally accepted principle that in most cases the statistically similar segments are also similar in meaning, but this cannot be guaranteed using state-of-the-art methods. As statistics is based on the very core of a CAT tool, data in the statistical analysis in different CAT tools may vary slightly


memoQ examines the segments, looks up the best TM result, compares, and counts in the fuzzy match ranges. In this section, you find information on the history of documents and the report options.


If you are using memoQ 2014 or higher, you have the option to choose Repetitions take precedence over 100% matches. This means that anytime there is a repetition, memoQ will only count it as part of the leverage one time, and all of the subsequent segments in that repetition will be counted as a repetition. This includes 100% matches. If you uncheck this option, 100% matches will not be counted as a repetition, even if it is part of one. If your users work in the memoQ server environment, then presumably they would not need to translate a segment that is part of a repetition more than once. memoQ will automatically propagate and confirm the segment after the first segment in the repetition. This is why repetitions are separated from the rest of the leverage counts - memoQ propagates the segment on behalf of the translator.

100% matches are a bit different than repetitions because of the idea of auto-propagation. While technically neither are work that a translator needs to do, a user would still need to insert and possibly review a 100% match, as it is the first time it is appearing in a file. Repetitions are simply the auto-propagated segments that are inserted in a file after the first segment in a repetition that is translated and confirmed.


Double context matches are shown in the x-translated range in the Statistics dialog: x-translated / double context.


See also:

Automatic lookup and insertion

Word counts and match values, available from the Kilgray website, explaining word count matrixes and match value ranges

Use cross-file repetitions

Match rates from translation memories and LiveDocs corpora

Statistics dialog options

Tag strictness and match rates