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The Subvendor PM can modify the workflow steps as below:

1.If the Subvendor PM is assigned to the current workflow step, e.g. the translator role as Subvendor (SV) user is not able to modify the workflow status, if the file is in the Reviewer 1 (R1) or Reviewer 2 (R2) roles.

2.The Subvendor PM is allowed to change to the workflow statuses relevant to the current workflow status, and to any previous/subsequent workflow status as long as the same SV is assigned continuously, for example the  SV1 - SV1 - SV1 assignment allows the subvendor to change to practically any workflow status, while SV1 - xxx - SV1 does not allow the SV to change it outside of the current role.

3.The status Undefined is disabled for SV PMs.

4.The Completed status is disabled for subvendors except if the subvendor is assigned in role R2 and the document is in R2. The non-SV PM is able to move the workflow forward manually if needed. She is the one who knows for example if from the SV in R1 role it goes to Completed or to the next actor.